It is indeed inspiring to live our lives for someone who we hope would, one day , share forever with us. But if this hope will be based on feelings and not fact , then we might just wake up one day being sorry for wanting too much.
You are afraid to wake up to a bad dream and you want to give up a fight which you haven't fought yet. Why don't you express your feelings and let see beyond your silence. Communication is the first step in building a relationship. Without this vital element, all and every effort would just be like kisses in the wind.
If you really like a person. Give your best shot. See how he/she reacts and take your next step from there. You can hold on and wait for love or say goodbye and move on.
Turning our backs on someone who inspires us should not be a choice but an option. We give up only when we have tried and we should keep on trying until we exhaust all our reason to hang on.
Let us always remember that it is better to lose a battle that we fought than to lose a battle that we never had had the courage to face.