So since its ok to browse here in the office I have the time again to continue this blog.
My last entry was last June 17, 2013, and I was talking about how I would hold on to my relationship with Nonoy and how I notice that he is not the same with me anymore. Well that time I thought that he is just having a hard time with his work but then on his part his feelings for me is already fading. Well that's life!
Its been how many months now and I can say that im fully recovered on that sad event of my life. I guess my friend Sam is right, maybe Nonoy's chapter is about to end on the day that he accepted his job in Kuwait. I must admit that it was really hard during the fast few months, I would cry my self to sleep and blame him for what ever fucked up things that is happening in my life. Thank god I have some few good friends who opened my eyes and help me get through with all this drama. After that I decided to let go and move on. Nonoy and I talk over facebook and some how we are ok.
I never thought that I will be working here, Nonoy's previous company and im slowly liking it in here.
So now that I am ok and things are doing good with me (except financially), I am now ready to embark on a new journey, I dont know what life holds for me but I am willing to go crazy! I only live once so might as well be crazy right!? haha
So that's it for now. Sad that I cant change the layout of this blog for some unknown reason. This blog is so boring...so I guess I am boring to hahah