In the kind of world that I have few relationship survive, you can consider your self lucky if you and your partner last for 3 years…sum would even be happier if they reach 1 year.
everytime i visit site that promotes bisexuality there is a lot of single guys, they have their own reason why they go there, to find love, to find someone who will fuck them or to look for someone who they can fuck, and majority of them look for sex...
So the question is, do most bisexual settle for a relationship or they just go for SEB?, do some of them think that having a relationship is just a waste of time and effort or they don’t want to get attach coz eventually they know that it will not last…or maybe some of them are shallow and don't really look for a deeper connection or simply they dont love the guy that much? or they dont want to get hurt by the thing called LoVe...
(this is only my opinion and how i see things so pls dont get me wrong 
russel is a friend of mine, he is the kind of bi who dont believe in relationship, i ask him why not? he said he "i dont want to get hurt, i dont want commitment, all i want is sex..just plain sex" and that work for him...i can say that he is the Samantha Jones in our group, he have lots of guys but never take them seriously.
and as for me well i dont know...
in my case I never experience a year, or even half…the longest that I have would be 4 mo and after that it decrease to 2mo and then 1…what is wrong with that picture? Why is it that I cant stay in a relationship that would last for atleast a year? Do I suck in handling it? do i have the problem? i have no idea...what is it that im doing before that im not doing now...
after carefully analyzing, I guess here are some factors, one would be my work, Kc and Russ would tell me you cant have both at the same time, your successful in your career but you don’t have a love life or the other way around…you will consider your self lucky if you have career and love at the same time...second factor is the time, my schedule is at night so i would spend my day sleeping while most of the ppol roam around going on dates and finding the time to be with their love one, so i say to my self why not look in the same industry, so i did that, the second problem is we dont have the same restday so one would give up sleeping just for you to have a little time. i remember this one guy that i date before he said " if you want it you'll find time " and he never did what he say after that =)
I guess also the choices that I make and the decision that I do. I would meet guys or go on dates but I do not invest time and effort, coz I know that im going in circles, running around and I keep on tumbling down…
and maybe im looking for love in the wrong places…
or maybe im just making excuses...i dont know...
geez im sleepy again, I need to stay a wake and focus on what im doing, or else ill mess up all my call…I felt guilty on my first call, an 82 yrs old lady want to place an order, and when im asking about the code, she cant find it, and she cant understand me bec she had a hearing problem, if i talk fast all she hear are woosh sound, so i have to talk really slow, things are going great at first, but when she cant find the code i get a little bit irritated, i ask her to find other flyers so that she can see it, she did see it but it took her a long time, i was kinda shouting at her or im sounding very sarcastic (i know im rude) just for her to know were the code is.all im thinking at that time is my self, i just want to get the code and get over it, i never imagine how hard it would be on her part and she just told "im so sorry dear i really cant find the code that your asking me...i really feel stupid right now...(with a mellow sweet voice) sorry im stupid...and i was like crushed and ashamed of my attitude...and at that time i feel really rude and so ashamed of what i did, i know that we are working with old poeple so i my self should have a little or lots of patience...OMG...
well the thing is, not all old people are apologetic some of them will just shout at you, and some have Bad attitude, they will talk to you like your shit! and i hate it...
the americans are sleeping session for me!!!and geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it is super queuing...
One of the reason why I leave teaching is to have the best experience that life can offer, I want to go to different places, try weird things, meet different people and to do what is prohibited…well im not talking about drugs, but other stuff that makes life more exciting. i met this guy online, he is nice and cool, he is an american who have a pinoy lover we've been chatting for quite some time now and he ask me this weird question that really get me into thinking, he ask me if i would go for an orgy party that he and his lover will set up, i had never been to that kind of party and i dont know if i will go, i recieve a text msg asking me to confirm if i would go, he told me that there will be like 20+ guys...and as of now i havent reply to his text coz ive been thinking about the pro's and con's...
i must say that it would be one of the most daring experience that i can add to my box if i would go...
The question is should i go?
I love watching Heroes, that series is really something, kinda like xmen but more drama and cool powers…I love it, my favorite is Peter Petrelli and Sylar they have the best power, im done with season 1 and im starting season 2…
Im sleepy, but im still focus on what im doing, in the office we had a discussion about love, most of my friends are either single or married. The singles (including me) are talking about having a good career with no love life and no sex life, its true that most of us here have good career and also most of us is dreaming to have our own partner, in the schedule that we have, i dont think will be able to find one, you'll be lucky if you find your love in the same accnt like raqs and anelli, the thing with our accnt is that all of the guys here is either bi or gay and the str8 guys is either merried or have a girl friend. personally i thought that having a internet connection will help me to find a love life or maybe just a fling, but i guess its the opposite, it only frustrate me how some ppol can be a snob or abnormal, not only that, im not that good looking and i dont have the body that they desire, the only thing that i can offer is that im presentable and nice, most of them are shalow, esp that thinking what is it that im doing before that im not doing now, before i used to have lots of suitor but now i dont know...
maybe I should do it in a diff way for a change, personally im tired of looking, it only frustrate me how some guys can be very shalow what i mean is that they only look at you if you have what they need and personality will ff, i know someone that will go for a goodlooking guy with low IQ, and lately its not how much you love a person now its how many round can you do and are you satisfied im not saying all so pls dont get me wrong, that is my observation.
I have a nice career and if I don’t have a love life…well just deal with it,, focus on the good stuff, I mean I have lots of friends who can make me happy...
i have been busy lately so i dont have time to visit the gym, but i promise next week ill make up for it, and this year i promise to be active, i want to have a sports either swimming or badminton, its crazy but i want to try boxing hehe i think its cool, coz everyday i pass by elorde gym in ortigas and its pretty cool..i just need someone who will go with me, just like cyndy...what ever happen to her, i text her but she never reply on any of my text or answer any of my call i ask russel if cyndy is texting him but he gives me the same answer...