just my say about my life and everything that comes with it... Sorry for my English hehehe
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Curach, Maila and Felipe
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Rainy friday
Friday, June 10, 2011
Things Happen for a reason

I always say that phrase when i dint get something that i want or things dint go my way, it is also the common phrase that i am saying to my friends when the same situation happen to them.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Its really been a while since i last updated this blog, i know no one really bothers to read all my posting and up till now i still thinks its ok, this page will be my contribution to the world wide web, i know one day ill find time to read all the posting that i have put in here and remince all the good and the bad things that happen to me...
Enough of that long intro hehe, well just to update you guys, I am doing good, things on my personal and work life is doing good. I am now working with Telus as an email support agent, this is new for me and right now everything is faborable to me, i think its been a month now that all i do is play and transfer ticket, the reason for that is that the game i am supporting is not out yet so we dont have email to answer so while we are in the office all we do is to play the game and report any bug that we encounter while playing it...the only down side to this company is that i have low salary compare to Transcom, but i am not complaining about it.
My love life, well my relationship with Nonoy is stronger than ever and we love each other so much, i am happy that he came in to my life and i thank God about it, I am so lucky to have a loving husband, best friend, adviser, lover all wrap into one ^_^, I am still sad that we are not working in the same office and i am sad everytime i think that Nonoy is having a hard time taking calls and i am here updating my blog and doing nothing (for now) i always told him that how i wish he is with me so he wont feel all that stress.
So for now that's all i can write...ill try to update this blog as often as i can...
love love!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thoughts as of now…
Facebook is really a good way of checking how your friends are doing even if your not seeing them everyday…I am amaze and happy how some of them are doing good and enjoying their life to the fullest!.
As my mom would always say to me “Never under estimate anyone because you never know the future holds” and she is right.
As i check their facebook page i must say that i am happy that some of them are living the life that they deserve, i have this friend way back in high school who at that time is having a hard time with how life is treating them, when i think of him first thing that comes to my mind is his odor, yes he has this certain odor that makes people wonder what the hell is wrong with him, but since his my friend it was never an issue, well i do care, i tried giving him hints about that but he never seems to get it, i also remembered that he is amazing in sketching his favorite super heroes, he use to be my inspiration. So anyway life goes on and after high school i lost track of him, till one day a friend if mine suggested that i should add him as friend, and i did, funny thing is when we first chatted he kinda forget who i am…yeah…so anyway we chatted and finally he remembered who i was. As i look on his pictures now he so different from what he is before and what he is now, he accomplished a lot of things and now he is living a life that he deserve, he and his lovely wife had a new baby, and when i check his facebook now he just went out of the country with his wife…so good job for you.
That particular friend of mine is just one of the many people i know who become successful in life.
So as i sit here, i started to ask my self if i can also consider my self “successful”, well i think i am, i am not that super successful but i can say that im living my life the way i want it to be. I have a wonderful partner in life who loves me and my flaws who i love and adore so much!, we are also living in together that makes it more sweeter!, my parents accept me for what i am and love me with all of their hearts, every time i go home from Binangonan my dad would always greated me with all his sweet smile and always happy to see me same as my mom who would hug and kiss me and ask me how im doing…hayz im lucky to have them. I have a new job that i think i would enjoy, as the Team Leader on that account told me “this would be your dream job, you play and work at the same time” so its up for me to excel on that field and hope that this would be the perfect company for me. As per traveling well i am lucky enough to visit some of the coolest places here in the Philippines with the people i consider as my brother and sister. I just hope that in the near future i would do more stuff that will enrich me more.
Friday, February 18, 2011
my cry
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Feb 7 2011
Nonoy my love, my life and my everything i am happy that i am spending my life with you, now that we are on our 1 year of being together i look forward on celebrating more memories with you.
My love for you will never change
I love you so much and i will always be here with you no matter what.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
right now its 5am in the morning and i spend my rest day watching gossip girl...geez that show is really something, i mean most of the character are vicious and backstabbing each other just to get what they want, kinda remind me of Melrose Place, my favorite series during the late 90's...
i still need to finish some of the series that i bought, Supernatural is nice but somehow boring, Vampire Diaries i s nice, nonoy like it a lot and his thinking that he is Steffan Salvatore hehe and according to him i am Elena at night and Damon during the day...True Blood...i miss watching it i love sookie and his power and season 3 is so gay...love it
moment from now nonoy will be home and im excited to see him...
i dont know whats happening with me lately but i think i should really stop being soo matampuhin about stuff...last saturday i blew off a nice day just because of my perfume issue...i felt so guilty about it...i know im being unfair to him but ill make it up to him...i dont know how but ill make him happy...
we are not perfect i have my issue and nonoy have his...i am will to work it out with him...
i love him...so much