I always say that phrase when i dint get something that i want or things dint go my way, it is also the common phrase that i am saying to my friends when the same situation happen to them.
Last rainy Thursday Nonoy and i went to apply for a new job, we went to Sam's company for they are hiring Web merchandiser and the reason why i want to try it out is that it has a good pay and it is not that stressful, also i lo
ve surfing the net so i will have an advantage esp in making website for i have this blog and of course i want to learn something new, at that time i though ill have a different career path that i will take, so no more call center job for me, just the regular job with a good pay.
We arrived there i think 15 minutes before seven, we went to the 17 floor, the HR assist us, we took our exam, we had our initial interview with the HR then after that we waited for the Manager of the Web Merchandising account to interview us, Nonoy went first and i waited for 30 mins (i guess), then when Nonoy came he told me that there is only one available position left so we are not going to be with each other...So at that time i already felt the sadness because the dream that me and Noy working again together just like we were in Transcom faded... I proceed with my interview and i thought i did well, though my English grammar sucks hehe... so after that its up to the boss to pick between the two of us, the other one will be endorse to another account who would take in call but as they say its not that stressful since we are just going to call the

merchant and verified if the information they give out is correct. The manager told us that they will endorse us to hr and hr will text us.
After that we went to Mia's office at Edsa Central, Mia and Sam is working on the same company but they are not on the same Building, Sam is located at Octagon Building while Mia is at Edsa central Pavilion, We had our brunch at KFC and while we are eating Noy and I receive the text from HR and Noy got the position and i will be endorse to Merchant Rep. I was happy for Nonoy for getting the part because atlast he would have a job that is less stressful with a good pay, i mean he already went through hell at Transcom so this is a good opportunity for him. On my side it added to my frustration and reality hit me again that my dream of being us together working will not happen.
After our brunch we took some picture on Mia's phone and hed home and on our way i was silent, feeling the sadness that Noy and i will not be working together and during that time i also decided that i will turn down the offer as a Merchant Rep, for the reason that i dont want to take in calls again even if the work load is not that stressful, also that is one of the reason why i left my previous company and work at Telus as an email representative, atleast on my current job i dont feel the stress even if there is thousand of email waiting.
I just hope that i did the right decision...
We arrive home, rest for a while and for me to lessen the burden that i am feeling i cried, Nonoy comforted me and still asking me if i already made up my mind. I appreciate my Nonoy that time, he was hugging me, comforting me, sympathizing on what i am feeling, and he told me that i a already made up my mind he will support me and he told me that he will do his best for us to work together again, he said that if there would be an opening he would recommend me. During that time i cant help but to feel rejected, i felt that i messed up things or something in me is not pleasing that is why they did not pick me, i really hated that feeling and i dont want to be in that position again. I know im just sour graping on what happen because somehow i felt like im a looser. But of course i know that is not the way i should go because im being selfish, i admit that i am a bit jealous with Nonoy because he was pick over me and he will be working again with Sam and they can see Mia anytime and the pay is good, while i am stuck at my work that i somehow love its just that the pay is small.
So know i am over it, i will just re apply, and Nonoy told me that if there is he will be referring me so we can be together...
I know things happen for a reason, i may not know the reason now but sooner i will, probably this is not the right time for me to be there or something big is waiting for me..
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