Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 the year that was...

Yey! boring sunday shift again heheh that means more time to make an entry, i did one yesterday but never had the chance to finish it and post it because we are quewing...

oh before i forgot, Happy new year guys! or who ever you are who's reading this crap heheh...before i tell you guys about my plan for this year i think it would be proper to reminice what happen last year...

i would say that my 2009 is one of the best year for me, i went through a lot of different places that i never thought i will reach, i went to Palawan last April Cebu and Bohol last June and Boracay last August, it was al ot of fun because im with my friends...
when it comes career well i cant say that it was good beacuse i regret leaving my previous company where in some of my friends are still der, i transfer last July to a company that i thought i will enjoy but i end up leaving it even if the pay is good...thank god before the year end i was able to have a new work and i hope everything turn out well here...
last year i was able to taste a little independence on my boring life, i rented a room for two months in cubao and try leaving on my own, first month is a trugling month in terms of were i would eat and budgeting my money  but of course i was able to handle it, i kinda miss it in terms of  me handling my onw time, like going out to late, going places that i dont need to ask permission to my parents and bringing some someone i like hehehehe...i wish i can do that again this year...

when it comes to love life, last year is a learning year for me, it was my first time to enter an open relationship with someone that i fall in love too but i did not know that it was the number 1 rule that you sould never do...
i took me several months to get over that person and one thing i know he is already saying ilove you to someone...but what goes around comes around heheh i visited his facebook and i found out that he was hurting over that guy heheh what a sweet revenge...

so over all i can say that its not a bad year after all ...

so for my plans for this year..well i think ill have a separate entry for that heheh

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