Friday, December 14, 2007

Self Improvement

I used to think that having a good body can be achieve for only a week, I thought that it was that simple, but Im wrong, you have to be dedicated in working out, its like a job that you have to work hard to get the position that you desire and it takes a lot of perseverance and patience.its funny coz i thought that few days im the gym and ill look like mark nelson or channing tatum jeje, i admire them because they really work hard to get that kind of body... i started working out just this month and i can see some improvement in my arms and chest. and i promise my self that no matter how hard it is ill stick with it to get the body that i desire and ofcourse my main goal is to have a healthy body and mind not just the appearance, im tired of being skiny and having unhealthy life style and having guys ignore me and i hate to be the second choice just because im skinny , i quit smoking since the day i started and the last time i tried to smoke i feel dizzy, so i sware not to smoke not unless im so stress, and beside since im working at night somehow i need to have some exercise.and beside i need some change in my life stlye also because basically my routine is going to work and after that sleep, and i do that 5 days a week...boring huh!

with regards here in the ofc im happy coz my first coach is now part of the accnt and next week will be devided into two groups, and that is a good news for me since I don’t have to be stuck with my current coach who I dislike not because of some issues that i have with her also i cant stand to see her face coz it weird, i hate it and as i say i cant stand it!

just read my last post for the details...


  1. Any thing in life takes delegence, perseverance, determination, etc.
    Keep moving forward. Life will always throw and obstacle in front of you, and all you can do is keep moving and get up. Above all acknowledging God every day. You'll reach that most reward of your self improvement. You are the same with my son his skinny and went working out and even took me. Also, taking those large vitamin powder. He thought like you could happen just like that. But, it will take time.

  2. hello sir! thank you for the support, ill try my best to finish what i have started, its hard sumtyms but as u have said "Any thing in life takes delegence, perseverance, determination" no easy way...

    how is your son doing? is he getting there?

    love to hear from you soon and thank you for taking time to read my piece...

  3. You are very welcome. My son is still skinny. But, still perseveres. Goes to 24hr fitness. I've seen all the scandal of steroids on tv last night with my folks. How Barry Bonds was not so muscular rather average and bulked up after the steroid or not??? It's all the commotion in the news. Whether to punished all the baseball players for taking them. Time will only tell either you become muscular or not. Just do it.

  4. thank you for the advise,i will never use steroids, i know the bad effect of that drug in the body, its nice if u'll earn it in the hard way...
